Tjena! Happy holidays, everyone! It's weird to think that everyone is on Christmas vacation right now. I suppose, in a way, I'm on vacation too! Just an extra long extended one where I am also in the work of the Lord. (So, the best kind.) This week, we had a lot of lessons planned, and most of them fell through. It's tough for people to keep commitments so close to the holidays. But everything is still good here in Lund. And things will pick up again after the new year. I have faith. Some events from this past week: -We figured if there was ever a time to do missionary work in the form of delivering cookies, it was probably this past week. We tried to make Swedish-style pepperkaka and they did not turn out well at we had to make different, edible cookies to use. You can't win them all! - One of the houses that our cookies got us into was a woman who we had delivered a Book of Mormon to many weeks ago, and then could never get in touch with again. We did...